Cherchesov on air “Match TV” spoke about the team’s plans for the preparation and conduct of autumn matches

Stanislav Cherchesov / Photo: Julia Puchinskaya / Vasily Ponomarev

The head coach of the Russian national football team Stanislav Cherchesov in the program “After Football with Georgy Cherdantsev” on Match TV told about the plans of the national team for the autumn period of the League of Nations.

– How did these 3 months last? What were you doing without the national team and football?

– We are already used to managing the national team remotely, yet we don’t meet with the players every day, so there were no problems. And so we had obligations to sponsors, we tried to connect players, we made certain videos for sponsors. We watched the games, at the “Match” there were a lot of them that we had not watched before. We reviewed several games in a row from the World Cup, so there was something to do. Honestly, it would be better if we played the European Championship now, it would be better. I am a little lover of looking back. Better live the present.

– In September, Russia returns to the League of Nations. As far as I understand, now there are a lot of questions on the cities of the event.

– Until July 7, we need to inform the venue of the match with Serbia in UEFA. We sent a request to find out how UEFA wants it – with or without spectators – we are waiting for an answer. Depending on the answer and the situation, we will decide for ourselves. We announced long ago that the games will be held not only in Moscow, but also in other cities, so that the viewer sees us. But if there are no spectators, then it makes no sense to go anywhere. There will be no extra departure. Therefore, we need to wait for the information. Naturally, we want the audience to be seen by the regions. We’ll see.

– In October – November there will be dates for control games. We are waiting for the Swedes and the Moldavians to confirm with whom we did not play in June, and if there is an opportunity to change something, because we wanted to play with the Swedes before the European Championship under the Scandinavian Danes team. Fees are also being discussed with the RFU Secretary General Alaev and team doctor Eduard Bezuglov.

– How is the work now being built taking into account the fact that the players are in different conditions and conditions?

– With those who play abroad, I talked two days ago. With Fedya just before the game with Barcelona. He is in good condition, Cheryshev plays intermittently, but we support him. And Golovin is only training. Let’s see in what condition it is, in any case, it needs to be called, to communicate. If our championship were not started, we would have been just as simple, ”Cherchesov said.

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Recall that the Russian team will hold the first match in the League of Nations on September 3 against Serbia at home. The away game will take place on November 18th.

With the national team of Hungary, the team of Stanislav Cherchesov will meet on September 6 (away) and October 14 (at home).

The Russian national team will play with Turkey on October 11 (at home) and November 15 (away).

Recall that according to the results of the first draw of the League of Nations, Russia took the 2nd place in its group in division B. The opponents of the Cherchesov team were Sweden and Turkey.



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