Cruz Azul: The Machine will have a fierce fight for each position in the 2020 Opening

The pandemic by coronavirus Around the world it has caused the pass market to be affected offering very few operations. However, Blue Cross, Until before confinement, he had built one of the largest and most balanced templates in the MX League, same that today has at least two footballers in each position and with little to touch up.

It is a fact that the cement group works to reinforce the low frame, since Pablo Aguilar is in full recovery and rotations in the central Julio Domínguez, Juan Escobar e Igor Lichnovsky They can take its toll, although the team’s priority is to find a left-back to ease the burden of matches for Adrian Aldrete. However, Cruz Azul is clear that it will only incorporate footballers on loan, or in exchange.

However, both Robert Dante Siboldi how Jaime Ordiales They know that they have a staff of 25 footballers, starting with four alternatives in the framework, such as Jesus Crown, Sebastian Jury and Guillermo Allison, although the latter intends to leave the team.

As for the central defense, Cruz Azul has Pablo Aguilar, Igor Lichnovsky and Julio Domíniguez, but the ‘Cata’ has become a specialist on the right wing with Juan Escobar.

Perhaps the most populated area of ​​the squad is the midfield, because Rafael Baca and Luis Romo They were figures in the containment, in addition to which both can serve as midfielders, even as centrals in the case of Romo. In addition, The Machine is a few hours away from finalizing the arrival of Ignacio Rivero, from Just, and who could also align as a side on both sides.

Yoshimar Yotún, Pablo Ceppelini, Alexis Gutiérrez, Roberto Alvarado and Orbelin Pineda They are the players who usually participate as midfielders, but ‘Piojo’ and Pineda also have projections as wingers for both bands.

Above and by the bands, The Machine looks unstoppable with Elías Hernández, Jonathan Borja, Alex Castro and Misael Domínguez; all of them with ability and speed to overflow, allowing Robert Dante Siboldi’s system to have a dynamic team.


While it is true that over the years Blue Cross suffered to get a scorer, the Uruguayan helmsman found the best way to Jonathan Rodríguez, leader of scoring in the previous tournament, and complemented it with the youth of Santiago Giménez. In addition, the charrúa recovered Milton Caraglio which is already a guarantee, and is only waiting to formalize the loan departure of Lucas Passerini to Necaxa.



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