Fonseca, but what happened to Ünder?

Rome almost out of the Champions games, between the embarrassing and the inevitable. It is not football at the “Meazza”, but it is the only one we have and we must hold on tight. Rebic’s goal is the final theme of the farce. Unpicked figurines struggle to breathe, let alone kick. Smalling and Cristante have the reaction of a sloth under the influence of narcotics. The ball is the only partially vital element of this derelict scene. It is enough, to follow, an acceleration by Theo Hernandez to make everything that remains of the yellow and red barrack collapse. Leotta aside, Diletta is equal to herself under any sky, latitude and heat, for all the other four cats at Meazza the suffering from melting is visible. You die of heat and survive out of necessity, but without too much conviction.

Milan and Rome diligently apply their “mimacalcio”, a necessary variant of football at Covid’s time, but the door is equivalent to a mirage and, even if you start a momentum, your gasping remains are a warning for companions and opponents. Maybe to leave, to return is unknown. Milan, at least, keep alive. Three easy points, he doesn’t need much. From there, Dzeko and his companions show signs of existence only in the first half hour. An impressive amount of technical breakthroughs at idle speed, in the most basic executions. If you add that the one without fans, always blessed is clear, is a kick without body and without nerves, difficult to comment on red faces and burned noses, whose only aspiration is the “cooling break”.

With some more or less obligatory variations, Roma started again in Milan from the good second half of the Olimpico against Sampdoria and held the field discreetly at the beginning, to the point of generating some illusions. Small detail, Dzeko and Pellegrini remained at the Olimpico. The return as owner of Zappacosta, one of the few in the world who can be said to be grateful to the virus misfortune, also seemed promising, but it is soon understood how far he is from an acceptable condition. The second half of the boys of Fonseca cannot be commented, in the sense that they have never returned to the field.

About Fonseca. To say that today represents the only certainty of this Rome steeped in chaos is becoming a commonplace as well as a probable truth, but the question arises: he really was convinced that Ünder is the third choice compared to Perez and Kluivert (yesterday at yet another test without rhyme or reason, no football logic)? Or are we talking about a footballer already far from Rome? Either way, sadness please go away.

Fonseca: “We gave Milan the victory”


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