Mesut Ozil’s Arsenal’s future takes a bizarre turn as fans collect money for the transfer

Mesut Ozil’s future at Arsenal is still unclear after reports in Turkey have tied him back to a strange move towards Fenerbahce.

Turkish giants have always had close ties to Ozil, who was previously depicted in one of their shirts.

After starting every Premier League game under Mikel Arteta before the coronavirus stopped, Ozil was left out of the Arsenal team to face Manchester City before being an unused substitute in Saturday’s defeat in Brighton.

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He raised further questions about his future, with Fenerbahce reportedly ready to launch a fundraising campaign to fund a move for the attacking midfielder.

Ozil’s big wages at Arsenal mean it’s hard to see the Turkish side that can currently afford it.

However, the Turkish Fotosport website claims that the club’s board of directors is planning a way to fund a potential move for Ozil.

The club has a fundraising service where fans can send messages to the club to help donate money to them – and the report says that one million text messages would be worth around € 3 million, with the advice that undertakes to pay this amount.

Such is the desire to see Ozil in Fenerbache – it was said that he had once promised his mother that he would play for the club – that the report also speculates that the campaign could generate up to five million text messages."/>

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Earlier this season, former Gunners’ teammate Mohamed Elneny, currently on loan to Besiktas in Turkey, revealed Ozil’s love for Fenerbahce.

He told beIN Sports: “Mesut really loves Fenerbahce. Always talk about the club and fans.

“If you ask me, I think he could come to Fenerbahce. Always try to annoy me by singing the songs of Fenerbahce. “



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