Premier League, PFA and EFL Announce BAME Coach Placement Scheme | Football news

The program offers up to six coaches a season a 23-month intensive internship in EFL clubs.

Last update: 29.06.20, 12:48 p.m.


The Premier League, PFA and EFL have launched a new program that aims to increase the number of black, Asian and ethnic minorities (BAME) taking on a full-time coaching role in professional play.

The program, which is open to BAME PFA members of all ages and in every phase of their careers, offers up to six coaches per season a 23-month intensive internship in EFL clubs.

The Premier League and PFA jointly funded the program, the first inclusion of which as a pilot project – either in the club’s academy or in the formation of the first team – will take place from the beginning of the 2020-21 season.

Richard Masters, CEO of the Premier League, said: “It is important that there are no barriers to access to the pipelines for employment in coaching. We need more BAME coaches to enter the system throughout the professional game to create greater opportunities. “

“We hope that this program creates clear paths and significantly improves the future employment prospects for BAME trainers.”

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Participants who receive scholarships through the mediation club will work in various club football functions, including coaching different age groups, physical performance and conditioning, recruitment, analysis and management.

The PFA coaching team will offer mentoring, while Doncaster Rovers manager Darren Moore is part of the advisory group for black Premier League participants who will also support the players and clubs involved in the program.

Moore, chairman of the Premier League Black Participant Advisory Group, said: “This is a critical time for coaches from the black, Asian and ethnic minorities. We all know and agree that the diversity of coaches and managers must increase and this placement scheme matters. ” positive step. “

The program, which has been developed over the past 18 months, complements the existing Premier League BAME coach development program – the Elite Coach Apprenticeship Scheme.

Gordon Taylor, CEO of PFA, said: “PFA is proud to support diverse on-site membership, and we are committed to ensuring that this also results in significant BAME representation in all other areas of the game.”

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