‘Slaves’ turned into ‘merchandise’: An official telecentre attacks Cuban chess players

The profile of the official telecentre Telemayabeque on Facebook attacked the chess players Leinier Domínguez, Lázaro Bruzón and Yuniesky Quezada this Sunday, whom he described as “slaves” and for whom he said he felt “a lot of shame”.

“It is really very embarrassing attitudes like these. There are legal attitudes that are not ethical. We see them every day and some think that it is normal, that nothing happens. The slavery of men is the great sorrow of the world. When you feel tied up for four coins you stop being a human being to become merchandise. What a shame! “wrote Telemabayeque.

The post, which has generated criticism, was later deleted by the official media, but it was captured before and has continued to circulate on social networks.

For the journalist José Raúl Gallego, what “is really very embarrassing” is “that a media outlet wields these kinds of thoughts.”

“The saddest thing is that these are not isolated errors, occasional blunders, initiatives of an enthusiastic community manager; they are a systemic procedure that responds to dominant ways of thinking in those who really run the country and the press. there is a pretext that is worth, only to really believe in what you write, “he said.

“Yesterday Leinier was the idol of Güines, today the telecentre that surely applauded him for years relates him to terms such as shame and slavery. There are many who resent the happiness and fulfillment of those who decide to break with the system that contributed to his training, but also used them, limited and punished them unfairly, or simply because they decided to make their lives elsewhere, which is everyone’s right, “he said.

The journalist based in Mexico wished the three figures “a lot of success” and confirmed “that this is not the feeling of the majority of Cubans, of ordinary people. Only that feeling has no place in the state media” .

Lázaro Bruzón described the post as a type of publication “so mediocre” that “it is hard to believe that they come from an official medium.”

“The three chess players who are there do not even keep the official passport, we do not abandon any event, we leave Cuba without violating any law. What is our crime?” He questioned.

“That we are people with our own criteria. I did not leave Cuba looking for absolutely nothing material, I did not need or need it now. I am a very happy person with a full life, my triumphs are my family and my friends. Although in Cuba I had many positive things I needed to grow as a human being, and I have said that, the ceiling was very close and I repeat that I am not talking about money or material things, I did not want to continue being a chess player without the basics to develop my career, the internet, “he added.

In Emilio Arteaga Pérez’s opinion, “these people have filled the Cuban’s soul with hatred, envy and vileness … they have to stop now.”

Osmany Suarez Rivero pointed out: “That chapter on the merchandise of Capital how little has been understood in Mayabeque. The logic that you stop being a person for money is so prosaic and simplistic … Money is possibly the most complex commodity that exists. In short, Cuba, so close to Marx and yet so far away. “

For Abel Moya Gómez it is “fetid thoughts, people unable to judge accurately”.

“They insult those who left and do nothing for those who are still there, rather sticks to speed up their flight … so bad,” he added.

Yasser Ches wrote: “This Telecentre deliberately omits to state that the Cuban Government turned merchants into doctors and athletes, that is, no ethical lessons.”



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