‘Could have been FC Twente, would like to have played another season in Veste’

Bryan Ruiz has two offers in his pocket, but a return to FC Twente does not seem to be the case for the attacker from Costa Rica. The club from Enschede did not report for Ruiz.

No return to the Grolsch Veste for the attacker, who is very disappointed. “No, unfortunately not. It could have been FC Twente, I would have loved to go back and would have liked to play a season in De Veste,” says Ruiz in conversation with TC/Tubantia. “But if they don’t call, there is no other option than to look further. That’s how it works in football.”

Ruiz, who had a two-year contract with Brazilian Santos, is about to return to Costa Rica. “Then I will quickly decide which club I will go to next season. I have two serious offers,” says Ruiz, who would have liked to follow the same path as Arjen Robben. “I read it from Robben, which is fantastic for Groningen and also for himself. He still has a lot of quality and is a huge professional.”



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