Karel Gott († 80): A touching message from a widow, Charlotte et al.! Expensive…

On July 14, 1939, Karel Gott was born, who succumbed to a serious illness at the beginning of last October. It will be very busy today at the place of his last rest. The closest ones therefore went there on Monday and left a touching message there.

It is today that the undead 81st birthday of Karel Gott († 80), in the cemetery in Prague’s Malvazinky, where the Master’s family was buried, is therefore expected crowds of his fans, who will certainly reflect this anniversary.

Of course, Gott’s closest ones wanted to avoid the biggest rush, so they honored the memory of the legendary singer on the eve of the big day. According to information from the blesk.cz website, a sign with a touching message from the family appeared on the grave.

“Dear Kájo, beloved father and grandfather, we miss you very much, there is a great void without you. We remember you with love every day. We send a kiss to heaven. Ivana, Charlotte, Nelly, Lucie, Vojta and Honza, “it says on it.

At first glance, it is clear that the name of Gott’s eldest daughter Dominika was missing at the end of the message. It is no secret, however, that family relationships are at least strained in this regard.


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