Raul Sanllehi can solve the arsenal problem by signing the player Mikel Arteta asked about

The upcoming transmission window is likely to be determined by highly unpredictable narratives across the board.

Arsenal, more than most Premier League clubs, will strive to do business early in the upcoming transfer window.

The first signs of a good reign of Mikel Arteta were slightly wiped out by Tuesday night’s loss to Aston Villa, but that could work in favor of the boss.

The Spaniard has deployed a variety of formations and staff since arriving at the Emirates Stadium, but Arteta has repeated this several times to build a familiar game identity.

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There was evidence that a 3-4-3 formation was getting the best out of multiple players. David Luiz, Granit Xhaka and others have gotten used to their respective roles and victories against Liverpool and Manchester City have undoubtedly underlined this.

However, the inability to destroy Aston Villa on Tuesday suggests that the upcoming transfer window needs to be expanded and creative players who can get the ball into the last third could be valuable.

Xhaka and Dani Ceballos have performed well under Arteta, but a creative midfielder could make sure the Gunners have additional options to break defensive-thinking teams.

In fact, Arteta appears to have already asked the Arsenal hierarchy to include the players required in the transfer window to advance his team next season.

“Look at the players we’ve had in these positions in this club in the past,” Arteta told Sky Sports.

“You go back to (Santi) Cazorla, to (Tomas) Rosicky, to (Andrey) Arshavin when he was playing there, to (Aaron) Ramsey when he was playing there, to (Henrikh) Mkhitaryan when he came in. Even Jack Wilshere used to play in these bags all the time.

“There are a lot of players who are not here now. We have to renew this cycle because if not, these players will no longer be there for us. They are a big part of what a squad needs.”

While finances may prove difficult, Villa’s Jack Grealish sets a number of criteria for what Arsenal might be looking for.

The playmaker enters the best years of his career at the age of 24 and has had a successful season on a personal level with several important contributions for his home club.

The likelihood of a player like Grealish staying at Villa next season is minimal given the widespread interest in the Englishman, and Arsenal should definitely consider an approach.

His role on Tuesday evening, for example, showed how he can adapt to a midfield role where he is positioned slightly lower than when he performed on the grand piano.


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Playing in Arsenal’s 3-4-3 system may require a slight role change, but Grealish is generally considered one of the league’s best ball advances. His contributions to getting Villa on the pitch this season and that quality would fit Arsenal to the bottom.

The additional lead in passing the last third with important passes makes the 24-year-old an extremely valuable player for Villa, but the prospect of teaming up with people like Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Nicolas Pepe would improve his goal contribution.

While the chances of moving to Manchester United seem to be higher at the moment, switching to Arsenal Grealish could give creative freedom to become part of a long-term project in North London with a head coach, the first sign of full player development showed.



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