Shin Tae-yong Not Required to Quarantine 14 Days Upon Arrival in Indonesia


Coach Shin Tae-yong can immediately re-train the Indonesian national team upon arrival from South Korea, aka not required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. This was reiterated by Sesmenpora.

Shin Tae-yong is scheduled to arrive in Jakarta Wednesday (7/22/2020) evening hrs. His presence to immediately train 46 U-19 national team players and 29 senior players at the Madya Stadium, Senayan, which rolled July 23-August 8 2020.

It is known, the U-19 national team must make preparations to face the U-19 Asian Cup which took place in Uzbekistan, October 14-31. This event is also in preparation for the 2021 U-20 World Cup. Meanwhile, the senior national team also handled by Shin Tae-yong will undergo the remaining three matches of the 2022 World Cup Qualifiers. They will face Thailand (8 October), the Arab Emirates Union (13 October) , and Vietnam (November 12).

However, his arrival in Indonesia had become a problem due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Not to mention the existence of a 14 day quarantine obligation.

However, the Ministry of Youth and Sports ensures that Shin Tae-yong can directly train his team. They are guided by Permenkumham number 11 in 2020.

As mentioned in Article paragraph 2: Foreigners as referred to in paragraph 1 can enter Indonesian territory after fulfilling the requirements: “First, a health certificate in English from the health authorities in each country, has been 14 days in a region / country that is free of the COVID virus. , and a statement of willingness to enter into quarantine for 14 days carried out by the Indonesian government. “

“The 14-day quarantine is not required to be followed by Shin Tae Yong. As long as the reactive quarantine is only known for 14 days, if negative it can go directly to the field,” Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Gatot S. Dewa Broto, told reporters through the Zoom application.

On the other hand, Menpora Zainudin Amali also believes that PSSI has coordinated with the COVID Handling Task Force, including the matter of complying with its health protocol.

“But there are other provisions that can be used as a basis, because Shin is included in the category needed,” said Amali about whether or not Shin Tae-yong should undergo quarantine upon arrival in Indonesia.

Watch Video “PSSI Threatens to Fire Shin Tae-yong, Why?
[Gambas:Video 20detik]
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