Traoré uses baby oil to avoid grabs from the rival defense

They dislocated his shoulder in a struggle. And it was neither the first nor the last grab he has suffered. Adama traore, one of the fastest footballers in Europe, is fed up with the rival defense trying to stop him with grabs. The Catalan, who plays as a right winger and offensive midfielder for Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. from Premier League English has decided to remedy and usebaby ceite.

With the shoulder still touched, Traore he doesn’t want any more injuries. If someone grabs your arm, they will slip and avoid relapse of your injury. Sources near the locker room of the Wolverhampton confirmed to the newspaper The Sun the use of baby oil on the footballer’s skin: “It is something we have had to do to protect Adam. The defenders are so concerned that he is leaving with his speed that they reach out and tug at his arm. That was causing the shoulder to come off during games. Lubricating his arms makes it harder for rivals to grip him and helps prevent further damage. ” To great evils, great (and oily) remedies.


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