Inter market: new candidate for the bench of Antonio Conte

L’Inter flies among the top four teams of Europa League and returns to dream of triumph in a European cup 10 years after Triplet, but when he returns home, Antonio Conte will have to solve the problem, whose future still hangs in the balance.

The rumors about the his possible successor: according to the Portuguese newspaper A Bola, the CEO Beppe Marotta and the owners of Suning are also considering the candidacy of Sergio Conceicao, former Nerazzurri midfielder and current Porto coach.

If the fracture does not heal, Biscione could make an attempt for the coach of the Dragons, who wore the Nerazzurri shirt between 2001 and 2003 and who in Serie A also defended the colors of Lazio and Parma. Conceicao is establishing himself as a coach of great value, at Porto he won two Lusitanian championships and a Portuguese Cup: a suggestive but dear idea, considering that the coach has a release clause of 20 million euros.

Conceicao is considered an alternative to Massimiliano Allegri, the real goal of Marotta if indeed the Conte project were to blow up. The Salento coach after the commitments of the Europa League will hold a summit with Marotta and Steven Zhang, in which we will talk about the next season and the requests brought forward by the former Juve: put everything on the table, it will be decided whether to continue the three-year project decided a summer ago or get divorced. And the eventual conquest of the Europa League could change the cards on the table.

OMNISPORT | 11-08-2020 15:28

Fonte: Getty Images



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