Sad news for Slavia. The European football champion from Belgrade died

Slovak Football Association

Honest football player, classy man. Thus, the Slovak Football Association mentions the memory of a player who ended his career at the age of 32. He studied law at Charles University and worked as a judge.

Pavol Biroš played nine matches for the national team and won a gold medal from the European Championship in Yugoslavia, although he did not intervene. He played for his native Prešov and Košice, but spent most of his career in Slavia, Prague. He played 212 matches in the league and scored his only goal in the match with Dukla Prague to the legendary Ivo Viktor. However, he was appropriately proud of him …

He graduated without relief

It was not uncommon for a native of Prešov to spend part of his playing career in Košice as well. However, the beginning and the end took place in his hometown, his mother Tatran. He spent his most famous years in Prague’s Slavia. He longed for education in the metropolis, and in 1972 he went to Charles University to study law. Although he was able to claim various reliefs as a top league football player, he managed all school tasks and fulfilled his duties like any other student with his own honesty.

He earned a national team jersey with his performance and character. He also belonged to him in the golden era in the mid-1970s, he was a member of the team of the team that won the title of European Champion in Yugoslavia in 1976. Although he did not intervene in the final tournament, he was a valid part of the exceptional party of coaches Ježek and Vengloš.

For health reasons, Biroš ended his career at the age of 32. For the next decades, he devoted himself to the civilian profession, for which he was prepared by the University of Prague. “He was a respected judge, whose credit corresponded with decency and nobility, on which he based his unquestionable knowledge,” it is stated in the obituary of the SFZ.



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