This is how Fabio Jakobsen feels after a horror fall

Dhe Fabio Jakobsen, who fell terribly on the Tour of Poland at the beginning of August, is only just beginning a long return to normal life. According to his team Deceuninck-Quick Step, the Dutchman, who is seriously injured in the head, still has to go through rehab over many months.

“Fabio was sewn with 130 stitches on the face. He has only one tooth left, his roof of the mouth has still not healed, and one of his vocal cords remains paralyzed. He still can’t breathe properly, ”said team principal Patrick Lefevere.

Jakobsen was pushed into the barricade by compatriot Dylan Groenewegen shortly before the finish line at a speed of over 80 km / h in the finish sprint of the first stage of the Tour of Poland. He was then flown unconscious to the hospital for an operation. Jakobsen, who was in an artificial coma for two days, announced that he was “afraid of not surviving” during this dark phase.

Two weeks after Jakobsen, his team-mate Remco Evenepoel had a serious accident, the Belgian fell from a bridge on the Lombardy tour. “Fabio is in far worse shape than Remco,” said Lefevere: “His fractures should heal within six weeks, with Fabio we are talking about a healing process of several months.”



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