How the organization of the “bubbles” in Córdoba for the National League is progressing

Every time there is less for the National Basketball League concrete the expected “initial jump” of the 2020/2021 season, with Córdoba as the protagonist.

Is that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the maximum Argentine contest will be played with the format of “bubbles”. The unprecedented competition system will have the city of Córdoba and Carlos Paz as scenarios.

The Northern Conference will be played at the Ángel Sandrín gym, with the local Institute Y Athens.

The Southern Conference will be held at the Arena de Carlos Paz stadium.

Both venues received the endorsement of the Club Association (AdC) and the Argentine Confederation (CABB), and barely the signature of the national government remains to make it official, and that its start date be announced (scheduled for November 1).

“Everything is on track. We have the endorsement of the AdC and the CABB, we only hope that in the next few hours, days, the national government will sign and we will close everything organized in Córdoba,” he remarked to World D Medardo Ligorria, Undersecretary of Sports and Recreation of the Municipality of Córdoba.

Organizers Ligorria, for the municipal government, and Cavagliatto, from the Institute, at the head of the Cordoba “bubble”. (Press Institute)

Mayor Martín Llaryora maintains contact with the national authorities regarding the setting up of the “bubbles” in Córdoba. “We have all the bench, all the support of the mayor and secretary Miguel Siciliano to develop the tournament,” he added.

“The work that Cavagliatto (Juan Manuel, vice of the Institute and of the AdC) has been doing for basketball in Córdoba and the country is very good,” he said.

“We are looking in detail to comply with the protocols required by the AdC for the operation of the bubble. One is the hotel, the other the playing field, which is the Institute stadium, we are also seeing the training fields, which They will be in Cerutti, the gym that is above the Sandrín and the Poeta Lugones court, located near the hotel. And finally, the internal transport of the delegations “, Ligorria remarked.

The Holiday hotel will be the center of concentration of the delegations in the city.

The Córdoba headquarters is in permanent contact with the Carlos Paz headquarters. “We are working together,” said “el Lomo.”

The North Conference will host the Cordoba Institute, Athens, Quimsa and Olímpico La Banda from Santiago; the Corrientes Regatas, San Martín and Comunicaciones; Libertad de Sunchales, La Unión de Formosa and it will be the premiere of Oberá Tennis Club de Misiones.

The South Conference, in the Serrana Villa, will have Ferro, Boca, San Lorenzo, Obras Sanitarias, Platense, Peñarol de Mar del Plata, Argentino de Junín, Bahía Basket, Hispano de Río Gallegos and Gimnasia de Comodoro Rivadavia.

The best two from each conference will play the final home run, at Sandrín.

“We will have 240 people in the bubble, from the teams and from the competition staff, and to them 40 to 50 people are added from outside the bubble,” said the Undersecretary of Sports and Recreation of the Municipality.

“We are making a great effort and it is extremely important for everyone. Córdoba has a strategic location and is prepared for mega events,” Ligorria said.


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