activities allowed during confinement

France is in confinement from Friday, October 30. Sports halls must close their doors. What sports are allowed despite these restrictions? In which places can we practice them? For how long ? What is possible or not.

[Mis à jour le jeudi 29 octobre à 10h55] All of France must respect a second confinement from Friday, October 30. Establishments open to the public such as sports halls, clubs and gymnasiums must therefore close their doors. It will still be possible to practice some physical activity outside in a radius of 1 km around his home and for a maximum of one hour (you must have a travel certificate). How to play sports during this period of restrictions? What activities are still authorized? What conditions must be respected at the gym? In a gym ? At the swimming pool ? Our complete guide.

► The following brands (non-exhaustive list): KeepCool, Fitness Park, L’Orange Bleue, MagicForm, GigaFit, Neoness, Bodyhit, Basic Fit, Circles de la Forme, Amazonia … can hope to reopen their doors from 1st December, end date of the reconfinement if it is not extended.

Note that throughout France, Physical Education and Sports (EPS) classes will continue to take place for students despite the restrictions, while respecting the health protocol in force.

With the closure of sports halls in many cities in France, many members wish to unsubscribe. Download this free (blank) termination letter template and simply fill it out to end a gym membership.

Some people retain access to any form of sport, in all types of sports equipment (indoor or outdoor) throughout the territory, despite the re-containment. It’s about :

  • school children;
  • minors whose practice is supervised;
  • students in Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities (STAPS);
  • people in continuing or vocational training;
  • professional athletes;
  • top athletes;
  • people practicing on medical prescription;
  • people with disabilities.

Everywhere in France, the sporting practice of audiences who do not have priority (see list on the right) is possible in all outdoor sports facilities (stadiums, outdoor swimming pools…) within the limit of one hour per day, within a radius of 1 km around his home and provided that he has a travel certificate.

Sports practice is authorized in:

  • outdoor equipment
  • public space, respecting the meeting limit of 6 people.

Sports practice is prohibited in:

  • covered sports equipment;
  • sports halls and gymnasiums;
  • indoor swimming pools.

► Professional competitions will continue despite the return of confinement, Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu announced to the National Assembly on Wednesday, October 28. “High level athletes and professional athletes will be able to continue training. And they can also continue to compete since travel for professional reasons is authorized.“She says. Basketball could be an exception given the proximity between the players.

Despite the re-containment, certain sports practices remain authorized in France. According to the Ministry of Sports, all individual sports (cycling, jogging, walking, hiking, yoga …) outdoors are allowed within the limit of one hour per day, within a radius of 1 km around their home. and provided that you have a travel certificate.

The swimming pools are open in France. Faced with the resurgence of the coronavirus epidemic in the country, the Prefects are authorized to close swimming pools, open or covered, in cities placed in enhanced or maximum alert zones (such as Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux … see the list below). The decision to close a municipal swimming pool or not is therefore up to the Prefecture according to several epidemic and practical criteria.

In Lyon and Lille, the prefecture have decided to close a swimming pool completely or reserve its access to certain categories of swimmers (school children, minors practicing in sports associations, top athletes).

A Paris, the swimming pools are closed except for minors within the framework of a school practice, associative or in the private framework.

A Bordeaux, only school groups will be able to access the municipal swimming pools.

Reindeer, the Prefect authorized the swimming pools to continue their activity “under the usual conditions “and therefore for all.

Note that viruses such as the coronavirus are fragile and very sensitive to chlorine and that chlorinated water (disinfected and disinfectant) does not present a proven risk of contamination, recalls the Ministry of Health in its guide “Equipment and sanitary protocol”.

  • Hygiene, cleaning and disinfection are carried out daily, in particular in changing rooms, showers, toilets … A closing day, or even half a day, can be planned to allow cleaning and in-depth disinfection interventions
  • Users must take a soapy shower before entering the basin.
  • Users must wear a swimming cap in the water.
  • Groupings or discussions along the basin are subject to social distancing rules.
  • In sports pools, the permanent use of swimming lines can be proposed in order to avoid contact
  • In the other basins [bassins de loisir, pataugeoires, plaine de jeux aquatiques], the application of social distances is the responsibility of the supervisors. If it is impossible to enforce or respect these rules, this pool will be closed.
  • It may be recommended to users in the context of a sport, leave their towels in their locker
  • The maximum instantaneous attendance must not exceed three people for 2 m² of water outdoors and one person per m² of covered body of water.
  • In the water, the intervention of the rescuer will be preferred for cases of suspected proven drowning, for others it will be privileged technical means such as poles, lifebuoy tubes these elements allow to maintain a distance of more than ‘a meter with the victim.
  • The supervisor may possibly have at his disposal, in the first aid station or in the surveillance zones, a full disinfected diving snorkeling-type face mask.
  • A maintenance of active chlorine level of 0.8 to 1.4 mg / L will be applied in the basins to be defined according to the ARS proposal.
  • To limit the flow of users, a online reservation system or pre-sale at the reception of aquatic centers, a time slot of 1h30 can be set up. Wearing a colored bracelet (blue, yellow or green) to distinguish the time slots and limit the number of bathers is possible.

If the club is informed of a positive case among its members, it must:

  • Make sure to contact the Regional Health Agency
  • List the people who have been in contact with this member if possible during the last 10 days
  • Inform members or parents of the group affected by the positive case so that they are alert to potential symptoms and encourage them to perform screening. The club’s activity can continue under the conditions set by the ARS.

Attention, people crossed in the public space in a fleeting manner are not considered as risk contacts

** Sports hall, skating rink, merry-go-round, indoor swimming pool, convertible or mixed, multipurpose sports hall of less than 1,200 m², outdoor football stadiums, athletics track, outdoor rugby field, baseball-softball field, tennis court outside.

Sources :

– Resumption of sport: everything that is possible alone or in a club,, August 31, 2020

– Back-to-school guide,, September 2, 2020

– New measures for sport, September 25, 2020, Ministry of Sports.


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