From the Basketball Association they called to take care of the opening – Sports

As of today, the Provincial Government, by decree, authorized the activity of several group sports disciplines in the individual training mode, for this situation we spoke with the president of the Gualeguaychú Departmental Basketball Association, Ariel Rey, about the issues to have into account regarding protocols, activities and other matters of interest.

“The reality that we have to live with this pandemic produced structural changes in all social, cultural and obviously sports fields, we have largely modified our lives, no matter how old you are, and it is acceptable that in the face of ignorance of this virus the measures In terms of health security, they will ban all social activity. Today the panorama is different, in all aspects and having improved the conditions against this scourge, it allows national, provincial and municipal authorities to be more permissive so that group sports can return to individual practice, which in the face of the total unemployment that we suffered at least in our city, means a change that we must celebrate, “said Rey.

– What would be the rules that must be complied with in the clubs?
– The contents of the protocols on hygiene, distancing and security that have been presented to the different authorities are very similar. It is essential that all the “new customs” arising from Covid 19 are taken into account not only to be able to attend a club to play sports, but that we must adopt them until a solution is found for the pandemic, be it vaccine, treatment or any methodology that Medicine gives us as a society, as natural norms of personal hygiene.

The protocol norms contain measures that must be applied by the institutions as well as by each athlete, we must take care of this opening with the responsibility of all, because any change in the sanitary conditions that allowed the return to activity, can be a manager that restrictive measures of social activities are adopted again, that is, all those who act and participate in sport in general must be aware of the responsibility they carry on themselves, which is much greater, for those parents of the smallest “.

– Technically, in the case of our sport, what is authorized?
– Basically the return to the club is authorized, with all that this means. It would be for us like returning home, to the sports family, a situation about which many mental health professionals have spoken out about the different mental alterations that it has produced on all athletes.

Seeing yourself again with your friends, teammates and brothers on the court. The first step that has been enabled in group training in stadiums, but individually, demarcating a space or plot within the gym or stadium for each person, developing within practice ball work, one for each athlete, in that the coaches diagram their work always respecting social distancing.

The protocol establishes the variables of how to sectorize the place and so many closed gyms and open courts can be used. I repeat, regardless of the place where the training takes place, the hygiene and distance conditions are the same “.

– If conditions continue to improve in the face of the pandemic, is it possible to think of any other activity?
– “From the ADBG we will always maintain the hope of being able to carry out any activity that is authorized and, if the possibility fits, also carry out the activity competitively in any modality in the remainder of this year. Hopefully we can have some competition associative, even if it is One on One of interclubs, because competition is part of the spirit of basketball.

The coaches and leaders have participated on the 3×3 rules, through the FeBER Technical Commission, because given the current situation posed by the pandemic, it will be a modality that is easier to develop.

That is why, when we participate in the meetings of the FeBER CD, we request that the majority of the Associations not completely suspend the activity for this year, as other sports activities did, because it is the way to keep interest latent of the boys and give the Club the possibility to recover one of its sources of income such as the sports fee.

The clubs have a difficult situation in their economies, which is why, if any activity arises in the competition format, it will be very difficult to do it at the provincial level, but it is more likely to be done from the ADBG “.

Finally, he remarked that “it is going to be essential that everyone and when I say everyone I mean leaders, coaches, club employees, athletes, parents, family, that is, everyone, we are responsible for complying with the rules provided in the protocols of any sport and mainly because it is ours, basketball, to continue enjoying even a little bit of our lives on the court, because otherwise, we would be losing something that took us 7 months to recover. ”


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