Gevelsberg: But the future for badminton clubs?

The badminton club in Gevelsberg has meanwhile been dismantled and operations have ceased. But the hall may still have a future.

Call spontaneously and reserve a badminton field at Am Kotten for an hour in the evening. Have a nice chat with hall operator Wolfgang “Pütti” Püttmann when you come in. Meet several friends or acquaintances at the same time. That was also what made the visits to the badminton club so nice. Many Gevelsbergers were all the sadder when they found out that the days of the leisure facility were numbered (this newspaper reported). The operation has not been running for weeks. The hall itself was recently dismantled. All that’s left is the small porch in which the counter was located. But the Gevelsbergers don’t have to give up their popular badminton hangout completely yet. An investor has bought the hall and wants to rebuild it in Gevelsberg. What is missing is a suitable plot of land.

KLIB from Gevelsberg is the new owner

“It brings up a lot of memories,” said Wolfgang Püttmann to this editorial team in March. He was about to sell his inventory or give it away. Table tennis tables, soccer goals. Everything possible. With a heavy heart. That could be seen in the 66-year-old. In 1993 he took over the former tennis hall. “Many friendships have formed here,” Püttmann recalled. Today you can only see where the hall once stood on the floor. Next to the little house that formed the entrance area, there is still the sign reading “Badminton-Treff.” The last remaining shuttlecocks can be seen in the rubble.

The previous owner sold the property. It was taken over by Klosterholzer Immobilien & Bauträger GmbH (KLIB). The company is also developing the adjacent new building area (we also reported). Four semi-detached houses and two free-standing apartment buildings are to be built in the area of ​​the former badminton club. According to KLIB, the work should start next month. The still existing entrance house of the former hall is to serve as a construction office at times.

According to information in this newspaper, the dismantled parts of the hall are temporarily stored. The investor who bought it is looking for a plot of land in Gevelsberg that is big enough to rebuild it there. Politicians in Gevelsberg had also dealt with the badminton club. It was already on the agenda of the urban development committee in 2019.

Athletes are committed to maintaining the hall

More than a dozen athletes took part in the meeting at the time, who campaigned for the maintenance of the facility. In view of this, the city council had suggested postponing the issue in order to find a solution that everyone involved could live with.

If the investor should create a badminton club in Gevelsberg in the future, Wolfgang Püttmann would even want to work there. Not as an operator, but supportive, as the 66-year-old says. Otherwise, he uses the time he has gained to pursue his hobbies. “I am in the forest every day and do sports,” says Püttmann. He can now also devote himself intensively to nature photography.



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