Ivan Leko and Ritchie De Laet very happy for Koji Miyoshi – football news

An unexpected ‘Man of the Match’ for Antwerp: Koji Miyoshi. The Japanese played in an unusual position for him, but did a fantastic job. He went down for an own goal, scored and gave a pre-assist.

Ivan Leko was therefore particularly full of praise for the small express train, which was not featured in the play before. “I like: how you train is how you play”, Leko said. “I think this is so good for him. He would normally start in the cup final, but then got injured.”

“After that I wanted to give confidence to the team that won. But he was always one of the best in training. I spoke to him if he wanted to play on the flank. He’s not a winger, he’s a ten. But he wanted so badly Next match he’ll probably play in the same position again! “

I think I have shown my qualities

The star himself knows that he has serious competition in his position. “Refaelov is a very good player and is also doing well. I spoke to the coach. Look, I prefer ten, but I just want to play. I think I showed my qualities today.”

The amiable Japanese fits well in the group and everyone was very happy for him. “Yes, he was very important to us and I am so happy about that”, Ritchie De Laet nodded. “He’s always been patient, never hung his head and trained hard! He deserves this!”


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