OM finally moves on the hot issue Florian Thauvin

The information went a bit unnoticed. The week spent during his visit to RMC, Jacques-Henri Eyraud had indicated after having explained at length that he wanted to keep André Villas-Boas that negotiations would no doubt be launched in the coming days with Florian Thauvin. Coming out of a white season, the OM player started this new year well, as evidenced by his 3 goals and 4 assists in only 7 Ligue 1 games. Problem with the latter, he is at the end of his contract in next June and is likely to go free if the situation does not change quickly.

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The winger has already expressed his dissatisfaction, saying he does not understand how he got here. “If I allow myself to tell you that this surprises me, it is because I have already said it to my president. I believe that this is an issue that should have been settled a long time ago, that a player in my position should not find himself in this situation today. This should have been settled immediately after the 2018 World Cup ” he let go in the columns of The team at the end of September. We are now 8 months from the end of his contract and Marseille management is taking matters into their own hands.

Thauvin would have opened the door to an extension

In an interview with Telefoot, Pablo Longoria, the director of football for the Olympian club, said that meetings were scheduled to find a solution. Understand, extend the old Bastiais. “I often speak of ‘making heritage’ the club, of having heritage. Florian Thauvin is an important part of the club’s heritage. That’s why it’s hard to lose an important player like Florian Thauvin. This is why in his situation at the end of his contract, we must all work together, the club with the player’s entourage, to find the best solution. “

According to the 34-year-old leader, Thauvin even seems open to an extension. Football, life, you always have to find solutions, manage to find meeting points between everyone. I believe in the ability to manage people and to rely on emotion. That’s why we have to look for a solution that must be the best for everyone. I really believe Florian’s words that he talks about continuity and I’m happy to find an opening on his side ”, smiles Longoria. It is now necessary that the different parties agree and time is running out.


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