Declaration of the Argentine professional basketball

The national players spoke about the moment that is being lived, expressing the need to return to activity in the ascent. The note that circulated on social networks did not come from the Players Association, although the entity fully supported the initiative. The complete text bears the signature of Players of the Argentine Professional Bsquet, and is as follows:

With the pain and uncertainty of not being able to develop our profession after long months of waiting, Argentine basketball professional athletes, aware of the context of exceptionality that marks the world political and sports agenda, express the need to make visible our situation and that of our family. We go through this context with responsibility and concern, hit by the emergence of the disease but also by financial difficulties. We write this with the intention of interpellating the state authorities, health and sports entities, the organizations that represent national basketball, the clubs, our own sports colleagues, the fans and the general public, we have the urgent need to resume our activity. We celebrate the return of the League, we applaud the predisposition so that its practice can be carried out with the corresponding sanitary protocols, providing an opportunity to demonstrate that discipline can return. We also understand the relief that it generated to a large number of workers in this sport, but we also want to highlight our need, as well as:

– Workers, who have not been able to perform their job to which they have dedicated years of training and efforts. There are colleagues who have stopped receiving income. Others have received compensation linked to the goodwill of clubs and leaders. But in all, far from being able to guarantee a stable situation, after almost 8 months of inactivity.

– Professionals, who work in the different categories and national basketball tournaments, developing this sport that has given so much satisfaction to the country. That deprived of being able to train and compete, they condition the appearance of new figures. That before the discontinuity of the income, we had to resort to jobs, losing the figure of professionals and undermining that dream that Len materialized when creating the National League.

– Players, who live by and for this sport, who transmit their vocation on the field and off it. That they have been physically and psychologically affected by not being able to return to activity. But they are also socially marginalized, unable to find themselves in the place where they perform best and want the most in this world.

We write these words knowing that we are not alone in this statement. Behind us are families, club workers, commissioners, coaches, referees, journalists and all those who make up the basketball family.


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