Fans painted the tennis courts in Parque San Martín by their lungs and vandalized them hours later

A large group of fans has been meeting for many years to practice Creole tennis on the courts that are located in the San Martín de La Plata Park. So identified with that sport and in that place they are, that they themselves worry about taking care of it and collaborating with its maintenance.

Last weekend and with the return of allowed individual sports, they decided to take a break to stop playing and spend several hours cleaning and painting the courts. “All lungs”, one of the participants told ELDIA.COM.

“More than 30 people every weekend for years is already a tradition. It is all by lung, we raised money to buy the paint and be able to improve the sector to prioritize the sport and more people can come to practice it,” he adds.

“And that this has happened makes us very bad,” he says in anguish and stressed that “the municipality came to clean it with the staff, but unfortunately the stains did not come out completely”

But far from lowering their arms, they affirm: “He is going to paint his lungs again, hoping that it will not happen again.”



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