FOCUS: French Open winner Mies: “Boris Becker helped us”

Berlin. French Open winners Kevin Krawietz and Andreas Mies apparently also owe their sporting success to tennis legend Boris Becker. “Boris helped us with the crazy number,” said Andreas Mies in the latest issue of the news magazine FOCUS. “He told us that we need to radiate real confidence and strength on the pitch again. You play the way you pretend. ”The tennis doubles defended their French Open title from last year in mid-October. At the ATP World Finals starting next Sunday in London, the unofficial tennis world championship, the duo want to “take the Parisian tailwind with them and play for victory”. “Our goal is to have won all the important titles at some point,” said the 30-year-old Mies to FOCUS.

Kevin Krawietz, 28, from Coburg, calls the “consistency” of their tennis partnership as a basic requirement for the two French Open victories. “You have to keep your nerve and maintain the relationship with your partner,” explains the Coburg native. “A good double is like a marriage. You stick together in good and bad times, ”adds partner Mies. If there are problems, they have to be resolved before going on the pitch. “You can’t lug that around with you like a rucksack,” said Mies in FOCUS.

In this year’s election for “Germany’s Team of the Year”, the tennis doubles assume that they will finish second behind the triple winner FC Bayern Munich. “Second behind Bayern is probably realistic. But okay for me too, ”says Bayern fan and Franke Kevin Krawietz. But the French Open winners already have a plan for a victory in the athletes’ election in 2021. “Let’s get the hat trick in Paris next year, win at the Olympic Games in Tokyo,” said Krawietz. “Then there is no getting past us.”


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