France> Cyril Cornu: “The idea that we train players in France so that they become Federers is false”

While Gilles Simon again spoke about his theory around Roger Federer in an interview that will be published in Team Magazine, it seems useful to us to give the testimony of Cyril Cornu, coach and trainer in Switzerland but also in France.

Close to the Federer clan, Cyril was kind enough to give us his analysis. She is ruthless, especially on the physical preparation aspect:“It is true that I see that many young people of 15, 16, 17 years old play with backhands to one but from there to say that for a very long time the French coaches are centered on the play of a Federer…. For me it is clear that it is not. We should already have the intention of being able to move like Roger Federer, to have this coordination which is the result of meticulous work that has been developed by Pierre Paganini. In France, despite certain beliefs, I maintain that physical training is academic and classic. It is access to strength, speed, explosiveness, that’s general. Pierre Paganini with Roger Federer do not work that way at all. The second thing is more technical. I do not see in the past or the future of the players who arrived or who arrive simple racket outfits like Roger possesses, effective things in achieving a game built around the idea of ​​variations, which makes the strength of Switzerland’s game ”


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