Jules-Verne Trophy: Coville and Sodebo faster than Idec Sport and Joyon at the equator – Jules Verne Trophy

Set off to attack the crewed round-the-world record, Thomas Coville and his men swung into the southern hemisphere with 9 hours ahead of the benchmark.

Thomas Coville and the crew of Sodebo Ultim 3 (François Duguet, Sam Goodchild, Corentin Horeau, Martin Keruzoré, François Morvan, Thomas Rouxel and Matthieu Vandame) crossed the equator this Monday at 12:45 after 5 days 9 hours and 50 minutes of race in the Jules-Verne Trophy, the crewed round-the-world record. Departing last Wednesday night, Coville and his men hit the southern hemisphere with 9 hours and 21 minutes ahead of the record-holding boat, Idec Sport.

In 2017, Francis Joyon and his men completed their round-the-world trip in 40 days 23 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds. Coville and his gang will have to be back in Brest no later than January 5 to beat him. Remember that the maxi-trimaran Edmond de Rothschild, helmed by Franck Cammas and Charles Caudrelier, turned around on Saturday night after hitting an ofni. Having left just a few hours after Sodebo, the members of the Gitana Team hope to repair quickly so that they can start an attempt again this winter.



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