LeBron James changed his position on December 22nd after the initial resistance

While LeBron James initially resisted the NBA’s request to start the 20-21 season on December 22, he eventually joined in the greater financial benefit for the league and players.

James and the Los Angeles Lakers won the finals on October 11th.

“LeBron initially protested, and then I was told that LeBron had changed his position,” said Brian Windhorst. “Crossed the aisle and said, ‘I’ll be fine if I go on December 22nd even though I have to change my routines and I’m not happy about the short off-season because it’s best for business.’

“But LeBron now owes the NBA money. He owes them cash. Crazy as that is.”

“There are about 12 of these people who owe a debt,” replied Bobby Marks.

James is one of the few players in the NBA who has loaded his contract front as Klutch Sports has pushed this with its customers. James had already received his 20-21 salary in full when the NBA began withholding extra money from players’ paychecks due to the season hiatus.



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