Outdoor sports will be able to resume on Saturday

Tennis, golf, surfing: outdoor sports will be able to resume on Saturday (Illustration) – G. VARELA / 20 MINUTES

The confinement will ease. Emmanuel Macron the main lines announced on Tuesday. The gradual deconfinement has taken shape a little more since. Golf, but also tennis, surfing and all sports that can be practiced in the “open air”, with the exception of contact sports such as surfing.
football, will be authorized to resume on “Saturday”, we learned from concordant sources.

The President of the Republic had left the doubt on a possible resumption of the sport amateur from Saturday under conditions. He had mentioned the resumption of extracurricular activities while widening the travel distance to 20 km for three hours, but nothing really explicit about a gradual resumption of amateur sport.

Partial resumption of activities

At the end of an interministerial crisis council which was held on Wednesday, the opening of establishments open to the public of the outdoors (ERPPA) dedicated to sports activities, was “decided”, according to a government source. A decision which therefore opens the door to a partial resumption of sports activities that can be practiced outdoors.

Golf, tennis, but also all other activities, such as surfing, which can be carried out outdoors and with a distance will be able to resume on Saturday,” assured this source.

Castex to provide clarification on Thursday

Prime Minister Jean Castex is to hold a press point Thursday morning to detail the announcements of the President of the Republic. However, amateur football will have to wait a bit longer, because it is considered a contact sport. “It’s still too early,” said the government source.

The golf, sailing, hunting and fishing federations sent a letter to Jean Castex and Emmanuel Macron on Friday, pleading for a resumption of individual outdoor sports. A request taken up by 68 senators the next day.

“Outdoor activities are possible again. The golf courses can reopen without constraint for children, that is to say that the limit of 20km and three hours does not apply for minors, ”assured the vice-predict of the golf federation Pascal Grizot. The 20 km and three hour rule will apply, however, for adults.

“So if you have a golf course within 20km you are allowed to go out for three hours. You will have to either play very quickly or not play 18 holes and make 9 ”, he added. “But it’s already a good thing that the golf courses can reopen”.

On the other hand, indoor sports will not be able to resume on Saturday, and should wait until January 20, as Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday.


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