Skier Eiduka’s PK season continues with a place in the sixties – Other sports – – Sports

Juheuga, who won the 30th place in the sprint the day before, hid ten kilometers in classic style on Saturday in 25 minutes and 4.01 seconds. She was 21.8 seconds ahead of Swedish Fried Farsson, but less than five seconds slower was Eba Andesson.

Eiduka lost two minutes and 44.3 seconds to the winner, finishing in 53rd place among the 72 athletes who reached the finish line. This performance gave Eiduk 87.54 FIS points.

On Saturday, men will also start in the 15-kilometer distance in the classic style, but Latvia will not be represented in this competition.

Eiduka, in the first stage of the season in the classic sprint on Friday, qualified in the 41st position.

In the first competitions of the season, the winners were the Swedish Linna Svāna and the Norwegian Ēriks Valness.

On Sunday, a freestyle chase race is expected, in which Eiduka will try to break into the leading three-figure.



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