Souillac. The long-awaited recovery of sports schools

Hervé Bollas, regional sports educator in Souillac, competently and kindly lends a helping hand to educators from sports associations in the city of Souillac, as is the case with the badminton and athletics sections of Athlé 46 Omnisports.

After long weeks of shutdown, some activities could resume for young people. What do you think ?

Everyone is impatiently awaiting this information, knowing that sport is a source of well-being in terms of physical, psychological and social effects …

How are you going to operate with these many restrictions?

Obviously, it will be necessary to respect barrier gestures and to give maximum priority to outdoor work, at least with regard to athletics. For indoor sports, here too the health protocol will be rigorously respected with, in particular, the non-use of changing rooms, showers, etc.

What are your fears and wishes?

Concerning fears, they are starting to appear in the sports world with depression linked to this impracticality and this “confinement”. As for my wishes, in addition to the reopening of sports schools, it would be good to be able to welcome them in adapted and renewed structures with, in particular, an athletics track worthy of the name. This grassroots sport, which I started almost fifty years ago, is an essential tool for the more than 1,000 students who attend our schools. Investing in the practice of sport is a source of well-being and health for the population and everything must be done to ensure that this practice prospers.


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