The Argentine basketball team was left without a coach

Sergio Hernández stopped being the technical director of the Argentine basketball team to continue his career in Spain.

The official announcement was formalized in the last hours and Hernández has already become the coach of Zaragoza of the ACB of Spain. In this regard, it was reported that he will take the reins of the team with the current season and until the end of the 2020/2021 season.

“First I want to thank the CABB, which made things easier for me so that I can fulfill this objective of leading in an important team in Europe. I clarify that I am not leaving because it is not confirmed or because the challenge of the National Team seems little to me, but because the ACB League has had a regulation, for many years, that prohibits a coach from holding two positions at the same time. This does not mean that, in the future, I will be able to occupy the position in the National Team … “, Oveja mentioned in a statement released by the Argentine Confederation on its official website.



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