The “drug” used by Alex Caruso just before the Finals

A very important man for the Lakers in their recent success, Alex Caruso obviously had a way of his own to motivate himself before meetings. The leader goes even further, comparing it all to a real “drug”.

If there is one player who is debating the Lakers this season, it’s Alex Caruso. Some will tell you that the leader is overpriced when leaving the bench, while others will come to emphasize his impact on the collective. The right answer ? It is still his teammates who give it the best, and it is not surprising to see that LeBron James and Anthony Davis call for Bald Mamba’s presence more often with them on a parquet floor.

A great mark of confidence for Caruso, who speaks volumes about his impact on his teammates. If he’s not the one who will score the most points at the end of the game, you can be sure that he will give his maximum for 48 minutes if necessary.

Against the Heat, in the last finals, Caruso even won his place in the starting 5. His defense is one of the key assets that Frank Vogel has been able to exploit. It must be said that the leader was very motivated by the stakes. During an interview with Pelicans player JJ Redick, the Laker revealed his “drug” before the grand final.

It’s kind of like a drug you can’t live without. I’ve watched “The Last Dance” every time, and you see their celebration for the title. You see the banner rising, the confetti arriving. I had this adrenaline rush, and I was like, “Dude, you have to experience this.”

Before the finals started, I watched The Last Dance over and over again. I needed that little boost, I wanted to have this dream in my head. In Game 6 and the Heat blowout, I really didn’t have that feeling until the clock hit zero.

Before each meeting, all players have different ways to motivate themselves. Alex Caruso has found the parade in the playoffs and given his performance, we can say that it works. However, something else will probably have to be found in the coming regular season.

The Last Dance as a source of motivation? For Alex Caruso, it’s like a drug. Be careful not to overdo it in this case.


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