This was the Rapallini – VAR dialogue in Jeison Murillo’s prison

The arbitration between Colombia and Uruguay was highly criticized by Carlos Queiroz. The Portuguese coach pointed out that Fernando Rapallini’s decisions affected the national team’s match. “Do not whistle that penalty when a referee is 4 meters in front of a situation, that is today a criminal thing, I can not find another word to show indignation. After 40 meters he gives a doubtful penalty. At 40 meters he sees a clear penalty, but at 4 meters he does not see it“, he claimed.

The DT spoke of two plays, one that claimed Luis Díaz as a penalty in minute 35 and the one that was whistled against Colombia at 79 ‘, where Jeison Murillo fought for a ball in the area with Rodrigo Bentancur. Fernando Rapallini decreed the penalty with the help of Diego Haro and Víctor Carrillo, in charge of the VAR. Conmebol published the audios of how that dialogue was.

This was part of the dialogue between Rapallini and the VAR

WHERE: Possible Criminal.

Rapallini: Penal.

AVAR: The referee sanctioned a penalty.

WHERE: Let’s review, please. Yes, there is a contact.

Rapallini: It is opening up, a promising attack in dispute. No ball control, promising attack in dispute.

AVAR: Well, contact, the prison exists Diego, for me.

WHERE: Ok, yes, it’s fine (…) Play it, perfect, it crashes. We are clear that it goes to the back.

AVAR: Are you clear about the contact?

WHERE: Yes, look, there it is.

AVAR: He does not play the ball (…) Keep doing all the protocol Fernando, the penalty is correct, your decision of no card too. We are only checking for a possible offside before action.

WHERE: Fernando, correct decision, first there is no offside, second, well sanctioned penalty.

Possible penalty for Colombia minute 73

Another decision made by the VAR was on a hand from Darwin Núñez in the area after a shot from Jefferson Lerma. The judge stopped the game to talk. According to AVAR Víctor Carrillo, “lby hand it is naturally glued to the body. Then Diego Haro confirmed it to Rapallini. Fernando, what I see is that the ball hits the foot, goes up to the hand, but it is not extended. You can resume, correct decision.


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