Villas-Boas: “We do shit” – Champions League

The Portuguese coach looks back on OM’s defeat in Porto on Tuesday night in the Champions League.

The game : “We killed ourselves all the time. Our course so far is marked by our individual mistakes… We offer goals to others, it was already like that against Olympiakos (1-0 loss) and against City (3-0 loss). And even today… I hope it will come with experience, but these are matches where the opponent did better than us in intensity. We had a little control of the ball, but today that is not enough. We also have a bit of bad luck with the first goal and the penalty … But we kill ourselves with mistakes.

The feeling : “If there is shame, anger or helplessness?” It is precisely that, there is nothing more to say. We fought until the end. The players who came in during the match had the right frame of mind. We were looking for the 2-1 and we took the 3-0… But the summary of the match is that the Porto team had more desire, won the second balls, was more intense, more aggressive… We didn’t was not there and we paid dearly for it. It comes with experience. We are not concerned about the qualification but we are concerned about the good image we want to give. It must affect each of the players as well, because it is not normal. “

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The Europa League : “The Europa League is the place of losers, it’s not a bonus. If you are not able, you qualify for the Europa League… It is not a great joy but the minimum acceptable. Afterwards, yes, it’s possible, because we still have to play at home against Olympiakos and Porto. But I’m not concerned with that but with giving a better image than that because it’s not normal to be weak enough to take goals like that. Our course in the league is a little better. But the advantage of this Champions League is that it will end quickly with the matches that follow one after the other. Before that, I want to give the club a good image. “

How to re-mobilize the group : “So far, we have lost and taken goals because we gave them too easily to the opponents, and at the start of the match each time… I hope it will stop. We must do better. It’s up to me to motivate the team to stop this kind of thing, that we show ourselves more focused, more determined, with more desire. Today, we controlled possession, but we did not create enough problems in Porto. If that may be enough in Ligue 1, it is not enough in the Champions League. “

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The record for defeats in C1 : “It’s a shame, it is on OM that this shit fell. There is nothing more to say… This is our journey in the Champions League. To be weak and do shit in the Champions League, you have to already be there. We’re here and we’re doing shit. It’s like that. We have to do better. ”

Interview at a press conference



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