An outbreak in Enguera forces the suspension of the badminton TTRs that had been planned

An outbreak of covid-19 in Enguera forced last Friday to suspend the TTR tournaments scheduled for Saturday and Sunday in the capital of the Canal de Navarrés. The Enguera City Council, following the recommendations of Public Health, as a result of the significant increase in positive cases of coronavirus, decreed last Friday the closure of all municipal facilities, including the sports hall, where on Saturday the TTR of sub-categories was scheduled. 11, sub-15 and sub-19; and on Sunday the TTR of Absolute and Senior. Both tournaments had athletes from the Xàtiva Badminton Club, who despite not competing, continue with their training plan for next year’s competitions.

For his part, the CB Xàtiva coach participated on December 16 and 17 in the I Virtual Congress organized by the Spanish Badminton Federation, aimed at highlighting the specificities in the integral development of the athlete. It had three expert speakers in the field of sports psychology, with María Martínez, Carolina Marín’s psychologist; nutrition, with Marcos Rueda, a specialist in sports nutrition and physical preparation; and the expert in women’s training, Lidia Romero.



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