André Villas-Boas towards an extension?

OM and their coach André Villas-Boas have started discussing a possible contract extension, the Portuguese technician announced on Tuesday in an interview with RMC. “Pablo Longoria (sports director of OM, editor’s note) went to see my agents in Lisbon. They have also been called by the club, that’s good. It’s starting to talk, ”he said, whose contract ends in June.

“We will see according to the OM project. There is a complicated financial situation because of financial fair play, the health crisis and a TV channel (Mediapro, editor’s note) which has decided to laugh with everyone, ”added the former Chelsea coach and Port. Asked about the possibility of seeing him stay in Marseille, Villas-Boas replied: “Yes, I never said the opposite”.

“In February, we can talk”

The Portuguese coach stayed at OM at the end of last season after initially thinking about leaving, following the departure of Andoni Zubizarreta, the former sports director, with whom he was close.
In an interview in October, Villas-Boas had already mentioned the possibility of staying at OM, but instead set February as the start date for the talks. “In February, we can talk,” said AVB. “The January market will be over and we will be able to position ourselves more or less in the future.” »

“The most important thing is that I feel very good here,” he said. “I got emotionally attached to this club, to its history which I like, the players who have been here, the European impact of OM … It’s magnificent! And I also wanted to extend this story, to have my own impact on the club, that’s why I always want to do well here. “

Arrived in 2019, Villas-Boas brought OM back to the Champions League after seven years of absence. The European campaign was disappointing but the Provencal club is still very well placed in Ligue 1.


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