Clement comes with troubling news about Vormer

Club Brugge did what it had to do on Saturday, as it beat STVV 1-0. Philippe Clement saved a few players with a view to the Champions League. This is how Clinton Mata started on the bench and it was intended that Hans Vanaken would do that too. The Golden Shoe eventually got to the kick-off because Ruud Vormer dropped out shortly before the kick-off.

Club announced before the match that the captain had a stomach ache, but judging by Philippe Clement’s words after the match, that is not as innocent as it sounds. On The newspapaer After all, the trainer confirmed that Vormer’s abdominal complaints during the warm-up were so bad that he was hospitalized. Clement did not receive any further news about his condition.

At Club they will hope that Vormer will be released from hospital soon, because on Tuesday, Blauw-Zwart has to get back to work in Rome. With qualification for the Champions League eighth finals at stake, they will then be able to use their captain and driver very well.

POLL: Do you think Vormer will be fit for Lazio?



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