ESPN Forecasts for Week 16

The action of the NFL continues and so are the predictions for the 32 teams in this Week 16 of the season, a pool presented by the talent of ESPN

American football experts from ESPN and sus forecasts for all the games of the each week.

Find out what their selections were for the Week 16:


KC: Kary Correa
EB: Eitán Benezra
SD: Sergio Dipp
MC: Sebastian Martinez Christensen
CN: Carlos Nava
PQ: Miguel Pasquel
PZ: Mauricio Pedroza
CP: Ciro Procuna
RP: Ramiro Pruneda
JS: John Sutcliffe
FT: Fernando Tirado
TG: Javier Trejo Garay
EV: Eduardo Varela
PV: Pablo Viruega
RZ: Rafael Zamorano



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