Milan: the Covid-19, Ibra spoke to its walls

Tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of September, AC Milan striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic (39 years old, 6 games and 10 goals in Serie A this season) had been away from the pitch for more than three weeks. A difficult period for the Swede, whose isolation rhymes with boredom.

“When it happened to me at the beginning, I was quite calm, almost intrigued, confessed the former Parisian for the Corriere della Sera. I wanted to see what this Covid-19 was. It hit the whole world, a great tragedy, and now it has come to me. I was home waiting, seeing what was going to happen. I had headaches, not very strong but boring, it was difficult. also lost the taste a bit. “

“I was there all the time, at home, pissed off, I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t train well. Standing still is terrible. At one point, I was talking at home and I was giving names to the walls. It becomes mental. You look at yourself and imagine all the ailments on you, even those that you do not have. You have pain for what you feel, and for what you think you feel “, a Ibrahimovic confided.

Read 11.187 times – by Alexis Goudlijian on 12/25/2020 at 13:42


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