Souillac. The indoor tennis court project is gaining ground

Even if this second confinement resulted in the cessation of the practice of tennis, the Tennis Club of Souillac did not remain inactive for all that. For many years, successive club leaders have been keen to see a project to build two indoor tennis courts to be realized, in order to remedy the impossibility for players to indulge in their favorite sport by bad weather.

In addition, if such a project were to see the light of day, it would make it possible to energize the club and to see, most certainly, the number of licensees increase significantly.

The leaders therefore went, Thursday, December 17, to meet Raphaël Daubet, president of the community of Causses and Dordogne Valley municipalities, in order to take stock of this project with him. After more than an hour of discussion, like a Christmas present before the hour, the president was able to assure them that the file was taken up by Cauvaldor under the leadership of Christophe Proenca, vice-president and responsible for sports, and in close collaboration with Jean-Louis Cambou, sports assistant at the Souillagaise town hall.

Contacted, Christophe Proenca confirmed that the Sports Commission has already validated and budgeted the study of the costing of the construction of the indoor courts and that the various stages (study, requests for subsidies, etc.) have been planned throughout the year. 2021.

Thus, if everything goes as planned, the TCS licensees could indulge in the joys of the lift on the little yellow ball without protesting against the vagaries of the weather, during the fall / winter of 2022 …

The long-awaited arrival of these indoor tennis courts should therefore revive the club’s activities and, as a result, revive the tennis activity in the town.


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