“The best public that I know in a cesteril redoubt, I saw it in the covered gym of Punta Arenas”

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He arrived in Punta Arenas in 1984, to reinforce the Cesteril squad of the UMAG team, in important seasons and golden years of Punta Arenas basketball. Those who played a full gym in the mythical gym of the Sports Confederation or Indoor Gym for many. We refer to the Panamanian Víctor Chiari, the player who came from Valparaíso to reinforce the student team with the illusion of earning a name in the sport of Magallanes and personally achieving a professional title (auditor accountant), during his time at the University of Magallanes. The talented player, also recognized by all his peers as a tremendous person, was the guest of ¨Idolos del deporte¨, which is broadcast on our television station and where together with their host Christian González, they toured their extensive and successful sports career.

Here is an excerpt from that conversation.

– Víctor How did you get the opportunity to play Magellan?

“It happened because Mr. Héctor Muñoz and Carlos González went to talk to me in Valparaíso in October 1983 after a visit I made to Punta Arenas in May 1983, for a basketball home run.”

– What did your life mean as a player at UMAG?

“It meant training and consolidating myself as a player, but mainly as a more upright person for life. It laid the foundation for the life I lead! “

– How do you evaluate the important years you played in the golden years of basketball in Magallanes?

“Those years were wonderful for me, they gave me great satisfaction with what we achieved for UMAG, as an institution in Magellan sport, for the club’s leaders, for the bar that always supported us and for the university students.”

– What feeling did you have in your life having worn the shirt of the Punta Arenas team?

“Playing for the Punta Arenas team was like feeling that feeling of representing my city, Colón, my Panama National team that represents it many times and in different countries of the world. A great pride ”.

– What Magellanic players remained in Víctor Chiari’s retina during his time in Punta Arenas basketball?

“Many players. All my teammates with whom I have an excellent relationship of friendship and brotherhood ”. “But especially to Patricio Vergara, our“ Strategist ”on the field; Fernando Pleticosic, extraordinary; Renato Arias, a fighter; Juan Carlos Wurth, strong player; Alberto Damianovic, La Alegria. In addition to Carlos “Kiko” Lauler, Patricio “Pachy” Yáñez, Novion, Kusanovic, “Pollo” Torres, Sergio and Jano Olate. Pablo Coro, Juvenal Diaz, Jaime and Roberto Twyman ”.

-Víctor, what did it mean to play in the mythical indoor gym?

“The indoor gym for me was La Catedral del Básquet. It sheltered us for so many days on the court and the Great Magellan Fanatic that I have not seen anywhere else. I saw the best public that I know in a cesterile redoubt in the Indoor Gymnasium of Punta Arenas! ”.

-List me the three best moments lived in the basketball of Magellan.

“One would be that I saw my youthful dreams come true in Magallanes. Two, our first championship for Umag, which had never been champion among great teams such as Sokol, Progresó, Parenazon, El Chile, Español and Liceo. Third, be with Umag Undefeated Champion. A tremendous season, and I add one more to you, having beaten all the teams that came from the north believing that they would beat us as the Punta Arenas Selection and they were defeated! Wonderful and unforgettable memories ”.

-Víctor, in the end, leave a greeting to the people of Magellan

“My greetings to all the fans of Basketball in Magallanes, to all the athletes of other sports disciplines and to the society in general of the region that always carried them in my heart and that I am always aware of you. Take good care of yourselves, I know that you are living a difficult stage, but I know your heart and your strength and I know that you will go forward together. One kiss and I love you. Before, if I want to give a very special greeting to Hernán Cabrera, our great coach and to my friend, Lalo Mladinic, Carlos González, Jorge Stambuk, Héctor Muñoz, Salvatore Cirilo, all of them great leaders and especially excellent people and friends, Hugs for everyone ¨, The former basketball player from Panama concluded by saying that he is currently defending the colors of Chile in the different international super senior basketball tournaments ”.

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