Avril Haines first female boss of the 007

The American Senate overwhelmingly confirmed the appointment of the American intelligence director April Haines. The former number 2 of the Central intelligence agency (Cia), 51, will oversee and coordinate the activities of the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA) and 15 other U.S. intelligence agencies.


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Avril Haines, former CIA Deputy Director and former Deputy National Security Advisor, will be the first woman to lead 007 intelligence. HAt 51, she was born in New York and within 15 years, 1998-2013, she went from owning an independent bookstore in Baltimore with no legal or foreign policy experience to being named Deputy Director of the CIA.

Biden, first appointments for the new president: Avril Haines first woman to head the 007

Haines, daughter of two scientists, is a theoretical physicist, can fly an airplane and is a brown belt in judo. With her husband, a flight instructor, in 1992 she opened a café-bookshop in Baltimore. He enrolled in Georgetown University law school in 1998, where he developed a passion for international law and especially treaties. He was an assistant to a court of appeals judge and in 2003 joined the legal team of the State Department, in the office dealing with international treaties.

In 2011, Haines was called by Barack Obama’s White House as Deputy Legal Adviser, then became legal advisor on national security issues within a few months. When Obama appointed Brennan director of the CIA in 2013, he asked Haines to become deputy director even though, the media said, a prestigious appointment as head of the State Department’s legal team was ready for her. With Brennan, Haines managed a major reorganization of the CIA, which began in 2015.


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