Carlos Tevez: “After the game with Santos something broke, we couldn’t even look at each other”

Carlos Tevez spoke without filter about the elimination against Santos in the Libertadores (Photo: Reuters)

After losing in the semifinals of the Copa Libertadores and obtaining the title in the Maradona Cup, Carlos Tevez announced his decision to continue fighting with the Boca during the season ahead. As you prepare for the start of a new hope, the symbol of the Xeneize he broke the silence to touch on different topics: from his arrival at the club in full swing with Juventus, to the painful fall to Santos in the last Cup.

It hurt a lot. First as a player and then as a fan. It hurts twice as much. I feel responsible for not being able to get the best out of my teammates at that moment. But you have to get up quickly because we had a final afterwards. We had to talk to the boys because we couldn’t lose that final ”, he acknowledged about that match in Brazil in dialogue with the channel TyC Sports in a note that he toasted from home.

The 36-year-old footballer explained how that elimination against Santos was experienced: “It was not necessary to raise your voice, or whore, or hold on to pineapples with anyone. We knew that something had broken in the group because we couldn’t look at each other because we didn’t do what we had to do. What had been practiced. We had to patch it up fast and go out to win the final. I was with my old man, so I had to be as cold as possible so as not to catch her with any partner. It would be necessary to cry and kick when one was alone, not to let the feelings cross because otherwise it would be worse ”.

That mention about something that had been “broken” indoors opened the question and the Apache did not shy away from the explanation: “The ways in which it was played, which we looking at each other in the face we swear not to be at that low level anymore. It happened to us against Inter, we had a talk that we couldn’t win the Cup like that. There we put everything on the table. In that semifinal we played similar or worse than with Inter in the Candy box. At that moment something breaks. One later, he stops again and tries to build ”. Regarding the analysis of the game, he assured that they went out to play the second half “very confident”, but after both Fish Everything was complicated: “We lost the ball in midfield. When we left so confident, thinking that we were passing, he gave us a pinion that we couldn’t get up ”.


Tevez during the presentation they made to him at La Bombonera when he decided to return to Boca in 2015

Tevez during the presentation they made to him at La Bombonera when he decided to return to Boca in 2015

• His role as Boca idol: “I feel like I’m the last idol of Boca’s golden age. That makes me fill my chest and feel proud. And try to do my best for the kids who are now growing up in the club. I want to leave a legacy so that they know how to play in Boca. Being in a club like Boca motivates me a lot more. Being close to the great idols of Boca makes you fully prepare: I want to be in the history of the club ”.

• The sensations in the last Libertadores: “What happened to me last year in the Libertadores is that I was not so obsessed with winning it. The experience made me enjoy it more and not “win or win.” That makes me calm. If I don’t win it, nothing happens, I did my best. But if I win I am among the greatest ”.

• His first Libertadores after returning from Juventus: “It hit me a lot when I came from Italy. I thought it was time to win it. It was a very hard blow, it was difficult for me to digest it because of how I lived it and I prepared myself for that Libertadores. After the punch they gave us, it was difficult for me to reverse the situation.

• Your departure to China: “It was the only time that the Boca fan felt failed. The head was not good to give 100 percent to Boca. I would put it another way, but it was something that only I felt. I felt that I left Boca and say it, in whatever way I say it, they were not going to understand me. When people see me, the truth is, they ask me for a picture or hug me. That (the departure to China) is in the past ”.

• What needs to change to win the Libertadores: “We cannot win the Libertadores. Being champion of Argentina is not enough. My head is on changing things to have more possibilities. If you keep what you have, you will stay in a semi-final or a final. You have to work so that the errors do not appear. the cup that we were closest to is that of Independiente del Valle. We were winning 1-0 there. If we put in one more defender or midfielder to hold the result and be calmer in the Candy box…”.

• How a changing room is managed with the new generation: “Today is much more difficult. You have to be in the smallest detail. Get to know your colleagues well. Knowing that if you yell a little more at one, you can go down. You yell at another and he wakes up, and he makes a play or a goal. You have to maneuver. See who does good. It is much more complicated than in another time, where they challenged you or woke you up to pineapples. Now you have to be more flexible ”.

The controversy with the Pattern Bermudez and the link with the Football Council: “I’m interested in playing and nothing else. It stayed there. I go and train. The Soccer Council knows that whatever hand I can give it with the group, I give it to them. Then I do my work and go home. I don’t have too much talk. I am interested in playing. Miguel is interested in the team. I’m here to play, I want to enjoy these moments that are the last of my career. I put the energy on the court. I don’t get involved, as they don’t get into my work ”.

• Your current good physical condition: “I never imagined that at 37 I would be the way I am physically. I have no knee, ankle problems. I train alongside my teammates. That is the example that one has to give ”.

• The complications that the departure of Pol Fernández brought: “He was a fundamental player. After his departure the team lost a lot. He was the player who gave dynamics, both defensively and offensively. We had more space and time, he covered everything. We couldn’t replace it. He was champion with us, letting go of a teammate’s hand, when he had three months left on his contract, it didn’t seem fair to me, we tried to support him at all times. Those who make the decisions are Miguel and the Council, we got there ”.

“He was a fundamental player. After his departure the team lost a lot,” Tevez said of Pol Fernández (Photo: Reuters)

• The importance of the Maradona Cup and the dart to River: “The local tournament is worth a lot. Several wanted to win it. River made the most headlines in the Candy box, while most of us went to the bank. Banfield, Talleres, Lanús, all played with starters and wanted to win us. And some beat us. Then it is easy to say that the Maradona Cup is worth nothing. It was the first Maradona Cup and for us to win it would surely have made him very happy. It was special for me ”.

• The relationship with Juan Román Riquelme: “We are fine with Román. He is accompanying us well on the subject of my father. He was always available. We talk when there is a difficult match. Before or after the games he congratulates me. We have a good relationship. We do not go into much detail. In that aspect, if we are not face to face, by message is much more difficult. He always tells me that I have to win the Cup, to be calm ”.

Yesterday colleagues, today soccer player and leader: Tevez acknowledged that his relationship with Riquelme is having a good time (Photo: NA)

Yesterday colleagues, today soccer player and leader: Tevez acknowledged that his relationship with Riquelme is having a good time (Photo: NA)

• How do you prepare for retirement?: “My hobby is playing golf. One thing that I have clear in my head is that when I retire I will do the duel. It is very important to do the duel for the footballer. As long as I can remember, I’ve only been with one ball. It’s hard to say I’m going to be president, technical director, actor … Put whatever you want. I am so dedicated now that I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m going to rest first. If that is what I want, I will prepare myself as best I can to be what I want to be when my head is clear. I think it’s the holiest thing I can do ”.

News in development …


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