Dukuri will miss the final stage of the PK to better prepare for the World Championship – Bobsleigh and Skeleton – Winter Sports

Thomas Dukurs won the eighth place on the track in Königsze on Friday, but Martin Dukurs was in the 11th position, while the German Alexander Gasner celebrated the victory.

This Friday, the last race of the World Cup season is scheduled in Innsbruck, but, as was predicted last week, Dukuri has also left the World Championship track in Altenberg. The Germans do not plan to participate in the last stage either, so Dukurs will secure his tenth victory in the overall World Cup on Friday.

As Martina Dukurs told the newspaper, Latvians had already considered not going to Innsbruck before the competition, because they knew that the Germans were going to do the same. He talked to Gasner, who said that he planned to go to Altenberg to train.

“For safety’s sake, I asked the German national team coach if the Germans would really start in Egls, because the final decision is already being made by the coach.

The leader of the World Cup overall with 1456 points is M.Dukurs, Gasners follows with 1396 points, but T.Dukurs has accumulated 1226 points and is the third. Christopher Groter from Germany has only 34 points less than T.Dukurs. You can earn 225 points for winning the stage.

The World Championships are planned for the first half of February on the German track in Altenberg.



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