Excitement about Reif’s saying – an ex-national player expresses himself

A saying by TV expert Marcel Reif sparked discussions on the Internet on Sunday. The sponsor and an ex-national player spoke up. What happens now?

With the use of the term “Young Turks” has One-two-Expert Marcel Reif am Sunday for discussions on the nett. Some users accused the long-time Sky commentator of racism, others saw Reif’s statement as less problematic.

What exactly was it about? The 71-year-old had praised the performance of the young Dortmund team in the 3-1 victory in Leipzig and on statements of the BVB players Mats Hummels and Marco Reus after the desolate 1: 5 against Stuttgart a month ago.

“Messrs. Reus and Hummels, not just any young Turks,” said Reif at the beginning of the program, which various viewers took as offensive – including ex-national players Lukas Podolski.

The term “Young Turks”, which is somewhat out of date, describes in history supporters of an illegal political movement in the Ottoman Empire. It is extremely rare in German-speaking use.

“I didn’t understand exactly which word Marcel used, so I asked again later,” said one-two-pass moderator Thomas Helmer on Monday when asked about the incident on t-online. “What has been said is then first on the table. Marcel then explained his state of affairs again in the program and made it clear that he did not mean the term racist.”

Reif: “Everything has been said on the subject”

Reif had apologized after the first commercial break. “I admit that I sometimes use the word Young Turks. But is there a racist undertone? Please help me if I missed something,” said Reif, who added: “If I have hurt anyone’s feelings, sorry I support it in all forms. But I lack the depth of the thought, “concluded Reif, who a day later told t-online by phone:” Everything has been said on the subject. About what I said yesterday said in the course of the show, I have nothing to add. “

In addition to the critical voices on Twitter, answered CHECK24 has its say in the eveningwho act as sponsor of the show. “We are therefore very sorry that this statement was made in the one-two. We will quickly seek a discussion with those responsible,” announced the company on Sunday evening.

“We don’t want anyone to feel justly discriminated against or racially insulted,” a spokeswoman for CHECK24 affirmed on Monday in response to a t-online request from the previous day’s tweet. “We as a company want to make it clear once again that we condemn any racist or discriminatory statements. We know that such statements can be interpreted differently.”

The spokeswoman continued: “Against this background, we will of course try to speak to those responsible for the double pass. It is always unpleasant when statements are made that other people feel offended.” Sport1 did not want to comment on the events so far.



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