Full bleachers, no mask … tennis returns to normal in Australia

Tennis has recovered this Friday in Adelaide an image that has been missed for almost a year on slopes around the world: the presence of crowded stands to see the tennis players in action.

The center court of Adelaide’s Memorial Drive Tennis Center was filled with people as if it were a pre-pandemic tournament: no social distance, no split seats, and no masks.

This fact is possible thanks to the strong measures that the Australian government has taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The country has registered 28,800 cases since the start of the pandemic and 909 deaths. In fact, the state of South Australia, in which the city of Adelaide is located, does not have any active cases of coronavirus.

The Adelaide exhibition is also a Accolade for Tennis Australia when it comes to celebrating the Australian Open with an audience in the stands of Melbourne after the demanding quarantine to which the tennis players have been subjected. However, the 29 active cases in the State of Victoria still cast doubt on the possibility of tennis returning to normal before the pandemic in Melbourne.


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