Good news at Apu: Johnson is negative!

Good new home Old Wild West Apu Udine. American guard Dominique Johnson, positive result at Covid on the eve of the ninth first leg of the green round of Serie A2 last January 3, then lost at Carnera with Turin against which the injured play-guard Andrea Amato was also absent, was negative yesterday morning to the molecular control test. This was stated by the udinese dt and senior assistant Alberto Martelossi at “Basket e non solo”, which will be broadcast today at 4 pm and 9 pm on Radio Spazio with a repeat on Saturday at 4 pm (podcast album / basket-and-not-only /).

The American player, who also missed last Sunday the match lost by the OWW only in the extra time against Orzinuovi, also in Udine, yesterday morning also passed the visit for the renewal of eligibility for competitive resumption, but already had started to follow the team in training in the gym. The return of DJ is certainly a spur for a group that, still deprived of Amato due to the persistence of his convalescence for lumbosciatalgia, against Brescia in the last round for a further outbreak Covid did not have Joseph Mobio on the parquet, in addition to the young people John Paul Agbara and Riccardo Azzano on the bench where Martelossi himself and the assistant coach Simone Lilli were also missing. If everything goes smoothly as it did yesterday afternoon for the rest of the group also at the anti-virus checks on the eve of Sunday’s trip to Biella, where captain Michele Antonutti will return as an ex in the square where he made his last stop away from Friuli two seasons ago before returning to Udine where he had been missing for ten years following the relegation of Snaidero to Legadue in 2009, the “Mestri” in Piedmont will give support to the eight teammates who have done overtime in vain against Orzinuovi, who is in a positive streak since six league games.

DJ passed away from APU after his best performance in the black and white jersey with 30 points scored and 7 assists in the victory over Urania Milano at Carnera. In Biella he will have for the first time at his side the newcomer Federico Mussini, play-guard who made his debut last Sunday against the Brescia side and who has already been a young partner of Antonutti in the Reggiana Basketball, which he captained when in 2013-2014 he won Eurochallenge, before flying to St. Johns in Ncaa where he went to college with Amar Alibegovic, Friulian by adoption and second of the three children of the former captain and snaiderino executive Teoman. With DJ and the new addition Mussini starts another championship for the Oww band of coach Matteo Boniciolli.


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