Joshua Kimmich explains the winning mentality and praises Musiala

He is the key player in midfield at Bayern Munich – Joshua Kimmich!

The 25-year-old is not only an important support in the defensive and offensive game of the triple winner, he also makes verbal progress – despite his comparatively young age.

What distinguishes the native Rottweiler is his irrepressible will to win. Where did he get it from? “I don’t know,” Kimmich explained in an interview with He has had this since childhood, not only in football but in other sports or games. “I always try to win, then I have more fun. That’s how this mentality developed,” said Kimmich.

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Kimmich on his mentality: “Always wanted to lead the way”

There was also no special moment when his winning mentality developed. “I’ve always wanted to lead the way, even when I was young. Now I have to continue in the same way.” (Service: Bundesliga table)

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Towards the end of the past calendar year, Kimmich missed a total of five Bundesliga games with a meniscus damage. It is not easy to lead the way as a leader if you are not on the pitch yourself.

“It’s difficult. When you’re injured, you’re a bit isolated from the team. But then I try to talk a lot with my team-mates, and sometimes I write something in our chat,” explained Kimmich. But first he focused on his recovery. “It’s difficult to help your team from the couch.”

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Kimmich wants to help Bayern talent Musiala

As a leading player, it is also Kimmich’s job to introduce young players like Jamal Musiala to the team.

The 17-year-old, German-Englishman, who was born in Stuttgart, is playing a big role this season – and therefore deserves special praise from Kimmich. “Jamal is outstanding for his age. He has very good ball handling and a clear head and tries to learn from us when he’s on the field,” the German international praised his teammate.

Kimmich is convinced that Musiala will get better with each action. “I hope that we, and especially I, can help him become a great player for Bayern.”

By the way, Kimmich will soon be seen as a wax figure at Madame Tussauds in Berlin, the visitors voted in favor of the Bayern player as a wax figure. The figure was originally supposed to be unveiled last summer, but due to the postponed European championship, it will not be seen until summer 2021. “It’s always a special honor to be elected by the fans,” said Kimmich. He feels honored.

The Bayern star will be seen there in a sporty pose. He would present himself differently in private. “If there was a private wax figure – and I hope it would never be seen publicly – I would see myself on the couch with my children and my girlfriend”.

Kimmich is already thinking about the time after the pandemic. “Everyone is hoping for a post-coronavirus life where you can go out into town or into a cafe and see people smile. I think a little normalcy would be great for everyone.”


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