NHL | Voracek commented for the first time on the vulgarities on the press. His words were also addressed by the NHL leadership

Vlastimil Vacek, Right

“Does it matter what I say, Mike? You will always write experienced songs, so it doesn’t matter, “Voráček responded to a journalist’s question, how different is the current season given the current circumstances around the world.

“Yes, it’s different. We have four points from the first two matches … I didn’t even want to answer your question, because you’re such a jerk that it’s not even funny. Another question, “added the 31-year-old wing forward.

Sielski has recently repeatedly criticized Voráček and the other Flyers. You liked to dig into them. And Flyers players often had the impression that his lyrics were a long way from reality …

Voráček’s harsh attack on journalists during the press conference. Vulgarities flew and words about the slacker

An example is an article from the beginning of last season, when the team did not do very well and coach Alain Vigneault said in an interview that he demands better performances from his key fighters. Standing nearby, Voracek and James van Riemsdyk were supposed to laugh during the coach’s interview. According to Philadelphia, Sielski’s article said that the players laughed at their coach.

“I modified the passage in the article to make it clear that I don’t know what they (Voráček and Van Riemsdyk) talked about together. I said that I was willing to settle things, to talk to Jakub after training or on the phone, “Sielski added.

But it didn’t happen. For example, journalist Jimmy Murphy, who wrote for bostonhockeynow.com, condemned Voráček’s reaction to the press. He believes that the Czechs had a long time during the break before the current season to solve everything with Sielski.

“Voracek had four months to say it face to face in person, but will he do it now at a video press conference? He should grow up! “Murphy wrote on Twitter.

And Voracek responded to his words. “What do you think (Sielski) did when he was in our locker room last year? He didn’t even look at me because he knew I would explode. Believe me, I would like to talk to him in person, but this was our first communication since then, “said the 2010 world champion.

Sielski’s colleague from the editorial office, Sam Carchidi, then informed that Voráček’s reaction was also being addressed by the NHL leadership. And she wasn’t very excited about it.

“According to Bill Daly, a representative of the NHL commission agent, the league had a” discussion “with Jakub Voráček about his swearing at the virtual press after Friday’s match. (Daly) He did not want to comment on whether a fine was imposed,” Carchidi revealed.

The NHL understands similar situations, but doesn’t like it when players make such public speeches, especially when press conferences are broadcast live and their statements contain swear words.

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