Offers virtual alternative UAA | The Herald of Aguascalientes

Through an official statement by the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, it was announced that the students of the institution will have the opportunity to take sports courses or physical activation throughout the semester in a virtual way, continuing with the promotion of sport for release some degree requirements. The interesting thing is that the UAA is once again adapting to the pandemic by offering up to 150 different classes or courses for its students.
Classes range from activities such as physical activation, muscle activation, chess, badminton, athletics, basketball, charrería, soccer, baseball, yoga, functional training, self defense, fitness, boxing fundamentals, to name a few. All will be carried out virtually without being able to return to face-to-face activity due to the current health situation in the state. The positive side is that the Roosters and Gallas that are part of the UAA community will be able to be active from home with these options during this semester, hoping that by the second half of 2021 they will have the conditions to return to the classrooms and face-to-face sport .


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