OM: Germain confides in his future

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At the end of his contract next June, the Olympique de Marseille striker Valère Germain (30 years old, 14 appearances and 3 goals in L1 this season) is in uncertainty about his future. At a press conference this Friday, the former Monegasque took stock of his situation.

“I’m at the end of the contract, I’m living it well, so far I haven’t received any offers, neither from OM, nor from other clubs. Why not stay here, but I would also like to discover another country before the end of my career, if only to discover a different football. A departure this winter is not on the cards. No member of the club told me that I had to leave , the coach makes me play more at the moment, he has confidence in me and knows that I can contribute to different positions. I feel good here and I am focused on the last six months, “assured Germain.

Read 5.531 times – by Damien Da Silva on 01/08/2021 at 10:50 p.m.


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